Tyne & Wear Schools
Exhibition Archive
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Laing Art Gallery
Until 18 Jul
KS1, KS2, SEND: Art & Design, Geography, LocalHistory…
KS1, KS2, KS3
KS3, KS4, SEND Art & Design, English, History,Design Technology…
KS1, KS2, SEND: Art & Design
KS1 & KS2
KS4-5: English Language and Literature
KS3-5: Art & Design
In school workshops
Using our artworks to inspire cross-curricularwork…
KS1-5, SEND: Art & Design
Great North Museum: Hancock
A workshop for UKS2 and KS3.
On line and in person CPD for primary schoolteachers…
KS2: History, Archaeology
KS1 & KS2: Science, STEM
KS2: Archaeology, History
KS1,KS2: Cross-Curricular
KS1 & KS2: Geography, Science, STEM
South Shields Museum & Art Gallery
Arbeia, South Shields Roman Fort
Getting the most from your time here
Hatton Gallery
KS1, KS2, KS3 & KS4
KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4 & A Level: Art & Design
KS1, KS2 & KS3: Art & Design and Multi-CulturalStudies…
KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4 & A Level: Art & Design,Literacy…
KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4 & A level
KS1, KS2, KS3 & KS4: Art & Design & Literacy
KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4 & A-Level
KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4 & A-Level Art & Design
Shipley Art Gallery
KS1, KS2 & SEND: History, Archaeology, Science
KS1 & KS2: History, Literacy, Art and Design
KS2 & KS3: History, Archaeology
Getting the most from your time here.
EYFS, KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5, colleges anduniversities, SEND…
CPD for primary teachers looking to develop theirskills & confidence in art…
A new cross curricular resource for schools andhome learning.…
Learning for Schools
A bespoke project that explores cross-curricularthemes through art and supporting objects in our collection…
NEW - SEND, PLMD, KS1 & KS2: Local History,Literacy, Health and Wellbeing…
Segedunum Roman Fort
KS2: Archaeology, Drama, History, Local History
KS2 online session: Archaeology, History
KS2, History, Archaeology, Art and Design, SEND
KS2: History, Archaeology, Drama, Local History
KS2: Archaeology, Drama, History & Local History
Curriculum links: History, Local History, Science,Art and Design, Literacy…
Curriculum links: History, Local History, RE
Early Years, KS1-5+ Science
KS3 & KS4: Science
KS1 & KS2 Science
Upper KS2: Archaeology, History, Science
KS3 & KS4: Science, STEM
KS2: Science
KS2: Science, STEM
KS1, KS2 Science
KS1 & KS2: Science
KS2 KS3 History, Archaeology
Early Years: Cross-Curricular
An exciting free museum experience for KS2
Creative thinking, doing, & making activities.
Stephenson Steam Railway
KS2: History and Local History, STEM
KS1: History and Local History, STEM
KS1 & KS2: History and Local History, STEM, Artand Design…
KS3 and KS4: Archaeology, History, Local History,Classical Studies…
KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4, colleges and universities
Significant historical events, people and placesin their own locality: Expressive Arts…
Understanding the world, Communication andlanguage: Listening, attention and understanding, Expressive Arts…
Significant historical events, people & places intheir own locality. Understanding the world, Expressive arts…
Language & drawing, painting or sculpture todevelop & share ideas & imagination. Sensory engagement for wellbeing.…
Historical events, people & places in their ownlocality. Understanding the world. Expressive arts…
KS2, History, Archaeology, Local History
Understanding the world, communication andlanguage, attention and understanding, expressive arts.…
Workshop aimed at KS3 and 4
KS2, Archaeology, History
UKS2: Science, STEM Also suitable for some KS3classes.…
NEW workshop - KS1, KS2, KS3 & SEND; Art & Design,History, Local History, Literacy…
KS1 and KS2 History
EYFS: Personal, Social and Emotional Development;Physical Development; Schematic play.…
Upper KS2 History and local history- developmentof railways, waggonways and coal mining.…
KS3 History/Local History- Industrial Revolution.
Suitable for KS1 and KS2
Suitable for KS1, KS2, SEND
CPD exploring critical studies and analysis
Exploring diversity of colour theory, frompainting to printing and beyond…
Explore accessible approaches to making imageswith light and lens-based media…
KS3, KS4: Science, STEM
KS2: History, Archaeology, Art and Design, SEND
KS2: History, Art and Design, SEND
KS2 History
KS1 and KS2: History and Local History, Geography,Science, Art and Design…
Understanding the world, Communication andlanguage: Listening, attention and understanding, Expressive Arts.…
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