Prehistoric Britain

This box contains...

What do we know about the lives of prehistoric people in the North of England from the objects they left behind? Explore this in-depth with great replicas of artefacts found in our region!

Middle Stone Age:

Woolly mammoth bone fragment

Howick round house reconstruction image

Deer antler tine

Hazelnut shells

Barbed point

Starr Carr frontlet image

New Stone Age:


Flint Chisel

Flint Axe head

Flit arrow head



Mortlake bowl fragments

Cup and ring makers imge

Duddo Stone Image

Bronze Age:

Bronze axe head

Beaker pot

Barbed and tanged arrowhead

Gold ring

Leather tunic

Iron Age:

Iron axe head

Iron round house


Fabric and bone needle 

Plants and Fungi:

Hoof fungus


Lime cord

Iron pyrite 

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Find out about Prehistory workshops at Great North Museum: Hancock