Out of a Box and Into the Curriculum
The Importance of Objects
How can we encourage our pupils to see the world that exist around an object, the secrets it's hiding and the questions it could answer? Join us for this hands on session which brings objects to life. Learn techniques that will allow your pupils to not only look at what is in front of them but really see what they are looking at.
Using the Boxes of Delight loan artifacts you will discover how you can use objects and their stories to develop your curriculum planning.
School Based Session
A member of the Boxes of Delight Team will come along to your school and deliver training for all staff on using objects in the classroom.
Cost £150
This session is free for Boxes of Delights Standard and Premium Members.
School based sessions are limited so advanced booking is essential.
Museum Based Session
Throughout the academic year we run the Out of a Box sessions at the Discovery Museums.
Choose from the following dates:
Thursday 17 October 2019 12.30pm to 3pm
Wednesday 22 January 2020 9.30am to 12pm
Wednesday 22 April 2020 9.30am to 12pm
Cost £35 per delegate
To book you place please email vicki.allan@twmuseums.org.uk. Please state if your school is a Boxes of Delight member when making your booking.
Booking is essential.