Learning Resources Discovery Museum

John met with Tom Elwick, the Learning Officer from the Discovery Museum and they looked through the Joseph Swan archive. They both get very excited about what they found and talked about how they might use the archive to inspire some work in the classroom.
Each of the films has a task linked to it so have a go and let us know what you create.
Joseph Swan archive video resource
As we open the Joseph Swan archive and start looking through the materials we’re draw to the rough sketches that are worked up to draughtsman quality pen and ink drawings.
Create a group doodle page or doodle book that can be built up over time. Then when the page or the book is full, go back and choose some of the sketches to work on again and turn into a more finished drawing.
The hole-in-the paper mystery video resource
We noticed one of the sketches had a hole cut out of it. We wondered why.......?
Cut out a number of squares from magazines of newspapers to make a random collection of words and pictures. Put them all together and see if you can use that as inspiration for a drawing, story or poem.
Design a future lightbulb video resource
You can see how the design of the lightbulb has changed since Swan’s first successful bulb. In the film you can see all types of bulb from different times and used for different things.
Can you design a new and improved light bulb and explain why your bulb is fit for the future? You might want to research how a lightbulb works and how they’ve changed over time, then imagine, in the future what a lightbulb might look like and what it might do.
Happy accidents video resource
Just as Joseph Swan discovered synthetic silk as a by-product or happy accident of the experiments he was making, can you come up with some new inventions by combining things in new ways.
Play word association the word dissociation. After a minute write down the most interesting combination of words. Choose one combination that jumps out at you as interesting and then explain how this new invention might work.