Recommended reading
MAGPIE: Museums and Galleries Partners in Education 2019-2021 funded by Paul Hamlyn Foundation, Teacher Development Fund.
Please note that is only a list of personal recommendations. If you would like to submit your personal recommendations or if you have any issues opening the links provided please email:
Amanda Quinn, our creative writing MAGPIE artist practitioner, particularly recommends the following:
The Reading Agency has over 40 pages of resources about reading, writing and authors.
National Centre for Writing (in particular, the information under resources and young people).
Children's Poetry Summit is a network of individuals and organisations actively interested in poetry for children. Their blog features a range of poets and authors sharing their ideas and good practice.
First Story are a creative writing charity who lead National Writing Day. Their website has some excellent National Writing Day resources (including video tutorials) for primary and secondary pupils. Their blog is a good source of information about creative writing in schools and includes ideas and activities that can be adapted to use with younger children.
Paper Nations is a creative writing incubator which has worked to increase creative writing opportunities for children and young people (including through Dare to Write? - a sourcebook of practical and inspiration writing resources).
The Poetry Society (in particular, the information under education and young poets).
Forward Arts Foundation is responsible for National Poetry Day (in particular, see the education section which includes KS1 & KS2 lesson plans and poems to share).
Driver Youth Trust for Literacy - a charity which advocates for learners with literacy difficulties - has writing resources about handwriting, planning, content, and editing.
Spark Young Writers groups meet in the West Midlands, but their website has story starters and other resources for writers aged 8-18.
National Literacy Trust website has resources for early years, primary and secondary school.
Young Sparks Writers website has resources for teachers and early years practitioners. They also run a monthly 50-word fiction competition for young writers aged 5-11.
Tees Valley Museums has worked with author, Gabrielle Kent, about how to use objects in writing.
The British Library has a page of creative activities based on children’s books.
Museum of Literature Ireland website includes a page of Bright Sparks Creative Bursts created by children’s writer, Sarah Webb.
Kate Long’s Writing Club Blog shares ideas for fun writing activities from her after-school writing club.
Centre for Literacy in Primary Education has resources to celebrate books and reading including downloadable creative writing activities.
Authorfy has downloadable activity packs to boost reading and writing for pleasure.
Live Theatre runs teacher’s CPD sessions and Live Tales story writing workshops for KS2 and KS3.
New Writing North supports reading and writing in the North of England and runs the New Writing North Young Writers programme for ages 12-25. Their website has information about local writers and events as well as a Writing from Home section full of useful information for young writers at
Once Upon a Picture blog features over 400 images to stimulate the imagination and inspire creativity.
Beano for Schools website has comic comprehension lessons that include writing activity sheets.
Seven Stories (in particular, the downloadable make your own comics resources).
You can search poems by subject and occasion on The Poetry Foundation website and they also have a section for children.
Helen Burns, particularly recommends the following:
Both of these books explore how experiences of learning in and through art help us to develop thinking skills which benefit our learning and our lives in general.
Eisner, Elliott (2002) The Arts and the Creation of Mind, Yale University Press
Efland, Arthur (2002) Art and Cognition, Teachers College Press