Great Fire of Newcastle and Gateshead

The story of the Great Fire of Newcastle and Gateshead told with original objects, maps and images. Find out about the terrifying and spectacular events of Friday 6th October, 1854 with this box aimed at Key Stage 1.
This box contains:
Queen Victoria penny
Old map
Old images of the quayside
New images of the quayside
Victorian images of children
Hoop and stick
Whip and top
Skipping rope
Police lantern
PC Ewart image
Bertram's warehouse image
Top hat
Mr Bertram image
Night dress
Candlestick holder
Wooden box
Painting of the fire
Opera glasses
Fire engine model
Mr Bertram image
Pocket watch
Brick, metal, stone and wood
Morse code key
Piece of a coat
Piece of fabric
House key
Snuff box
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