Dare to Enquire CPD Training Days
List of available dates for Dare to Enquire teacher training days
Our venues and enquiry based learning
Over each school year there will be opportunities to take part in Dare to Enquire training sessions across as many of our venues as possible. This approach begins by looking at techniques to make your pupils feel more comfortable and confident when working away from their usual environment. The process continues by focusing on empowering teachers to respond to themes that children are inspired by, developing the participants’ sense of ownership and belonging with the museum or gallery. The training covers enquiry based learning techniques that can be used anywhere and the training runs through the same principles no matter what site it is delivered at.
There are opportunities throughout the day to discuss how this links back to the curriculum and how it will work for you and your pupils.
Work in progress
The following clip is a film of Winlaton West Lane Primary School's experience of taking part in Dare to Enquire in 2011. Throughout this process museum staff were able to shape the teacher CPD into what it is today. This film shows how both the pupils and teachers engaged with the process.
Available Training Dates
Wednesday 2 November 2016 - 9:30am to 4:00pm - Segedunum Roman Fort, Baths and Museum
More information and booking details
Wednesday 25 January 2017 - 9:30am to 4:00pm - Laing Art Gallery
More information and booking details
Friday 16 June 2017 - 9:30am to 4:00pm - Discovery Museum
Booking details to follow shortly