Roman Britain: Hadrian's Wall
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Why do people come to our region from around the world to explore Hadrian's Wall? Find out everything you need to know about Britain's biggest monument with this superb collection of objects based on original artefacts found along it's 73 mile route. |
Divided into 7 sub-themes, the box is ideal for carousel work in small groups.
1. The Frontier System
'Building the Wall' by Ronald Embleton
Building Inscription
Curtain wall image
Hadrian's Wall map
Fort plan
Milecastle image
Turret image
1.8 Vallum image
2. Roman Soldiers
Roman replica helmet
Roman solider costume
Gladius sword model
Silver denarius
'Where did the army of Hadrian's Wall come from?' map.
3. Arbeia Roman Fort
Arbeia Roman Fort image and Hadrian's Wall map
Arbeia Roman Fort west gate image
Arbeia Roman Fort granary image
Cat skeleton fragments (original)
Arbeia Roman Fort Commanding Officer's House image
Regina tombstone 3D model
Tile fragment (original)
Mortarium fragment (original)
4 Segedunum Roman Fort
Segedunum Roman Fort layout and generic fort plan
Bone lever
'1st century cavalryman' image by Ronald Embleton
Oil lamp
Key ring
Statue of Fortuna image
Trumpet brooch
Animal bones
5. Vindolanda Roman Fort
Hadrian's Wall map
Vindolanda writing tablet postcard
Roman sandals and Vindolanda shoe photograph
Melon bead
6. Cilurnum Roman Fort
Hadrian's Wall map
Chesters satellite image
Altar model
Sponge stick and Roman latrine image
7. Condercum Roman Fort
Condercum Fort image and Hadrian's Wall map
Temple to Antenociticus image
Vallum crossing and gateway image
Pottery fragments (original)
Enquire about booking this box.
Roman Britain school visits:
-Great North Museum: Hancock
-Segedunum Roman Fort
-Arbeia Roman Fort