Played in Tyne & Wear
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How did North East folk relax and enjoy themselves in the past? What sports drew crowds of thousands to see their heroes win? How many sports had their origins in the working lives of pitmen and riverboat men? Explore how local sports make links with the past and discover where you can see these traditions kept alive today.
Leather Football Boots
Leather Football
Newcastle jersey
Sunderland jersey
Sunderland FC programme 1965 – 66
Newcastle United FC programme 1975
Football fixture list
Greyhound cards
Quoits and quoits postcard
Bowling badge
Pigeon labels
Tynemouth bathing pool postcard
Real tennis racquet
Blaydon Races resource pack
Speedway programme 1964
Cricket bat
Great North Run T-shirt
Played in Tyne and Wear book
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Why not support this loan with a visit to the Shipley Art Gallery for the Blaydon Races workshop. Find out more here.