Anglo-Saxon Northumbria

This box contains...

Our region boasts a fascinating and rich Anglo-Saxon history. Packed with amazing replica finds and period costumes, this box offers and immersive journey through time, from the pagan origins of the North East to its pinnacle as the centre of Christian faith and learning in Britain during the Golden Age of Northumbria!

Early Anglo-Saxon grave finds:

Woden image
Burial urn
Archaeology report of Norton (extract)
Princess burial images
Hildigyth's grave stone and rune letters on wood

Anglo-Saxon life:

Spindle whorl, wool and needle
Woman's tunic, apron and beads
Man's tunic, trousers and brooch
Pouch and images of Sutton Hoo purse
Alfred the Great coin
Wooden bowl and spoon
Bone comb
Game board, counters and dice
Blacksmith tongs
Beowulf fragment

Anglo-Saxon Lindisfarne:

Anglo-Saxon England c.AD 800
Saint Cuthbert's Cross
Image of scribe
Vellum, quill and ink pot
Oyster shell and paint brush
Lindisfarne Gospels carpet page
Lindisfarne Gospels page

Anglo-Saxon Jarrow:

Monk's habit and cowl
Bede's 'Ecclesiastical History of the English People' extract
Stained glass pieces
Codex Amiatinus image

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